What to do When Your Plant Arrives

Congratulations on your new plant from NotAPlantAddiction! To ensure a smooth transition for your green companion, follow these simple steps when your plant arrives:


  1. Unboxing: Carefully unpack your plant, ensuring gentle handling to avoid any damage. Remove any packaging materials while being mindful of fragile leaves or stems.

  2. Inspection: Take a close look at your plant for any signs of shipping stress or damage. While we strive to provide healthy plants, occasionally minor leaf yellowing or drooping can occur during transitThis is usually temporary and can be resolved with proper care.

  3. Acclimation: Your plant may need a period to adjust to its new environment. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight immediately. Instead, place it in a well-lit area with indirect light, allowing it to acclimate gradually. This helps prevent shock and sunburn.

  4. Watering: Before watering, check the moisture level in the soil. Depending on the plant's needs, it may or may not require immediate watering upon arrival. Overwatering can be detrimental, so make sure the soil is slightly dry before watering. Follow the specific watering guidelines for your plant species.

  5. Potting: If your plant arrived in a temporary container, you may consider repotting it into a more permanent home. Choose a pot with drainage holes, and use a well-draining soil mix appropriate for your plant type. Gently loosen the roots and place the plant at the appropriate depth, ensuring it is stable in the new pot.

  6. Care: Familiarize yourself with the specific care requirements for your plant. Different species have varying needs regarding sunlight, humidity, temperature, and fertilization. Refer to our website or consult our care guides for detailed information tailored to your plant.

  7. Patience and Observation: Remember that plants are living organisms, and they may need time to adjust and thrive in their new environment. Be patient and observe your plant's response to its new surroundings. Monitor its growth, foliage color, and overall health, making adjustments to care practices as needed.

  8. Reach Out for Support: If you have any concerns or questions about your plant's well-being, our knowledgeable team is here to assist you. Feel free to contact us for guidance or troubleshooting tips.


We take pride in delivering healthy plants to your doorstep. By following these steps and providing proper care, you can enjoy the beauty and benefits of your new plant for years to come. We will also leave a contact form below if you want to reach out with any questions we didnt cover :)


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